Highlight but unfortunately the article was written by a parent and not an #ActuallyAutistic person and it was very ableist. The first article I read was about the additional barriers BAME people face in accessing support and services. What the buzzfeed series has so far done is reinforce harmful ideas about disability and particularly autism and learning disability. So any series on disability rights has to challenge ableism and actually promote disability rights. Ignored, parents, carers and professionals voices being prioritized over ours, being viewed as a burden, disability being viewed negatively. This includes the infantilisation of disabled people, disabled people being Many of us work hard to challenge common forms of ableism. Disability rights are about equity, respect, dignity. Disability rights are human rights for disabled people. [Brooke Winters tweets: “ Buzzfeed have launched a special series on disability rights in the UK and so far it’s oppressive and ableist and here’s why.